Transfer Zeitschrift 03/2017

Transfer Zeitschrift 03/2017


When Quality Marks Impair Brand Attitudes

Franziska Oefele
Researcher and Lecturer at the University of Augsburg
Prof. Dr. Heribert Gierl
Professor of Marketing at the University of Augsburg

We investigate the effect of the number of quality marks with low and with high diagnostic value for high product quality that are used to promote a product on brand attitude. From the theoretical perspective, we use the persuasion-knowledge model to derive hypotheses. We applied ANOVAs and Hayes procedures to test our presumptions. In two studies, we show that the number of high-diagnosticity quality marks improves brand attitude while the number of low-diagnosticity quality marks impairs brand attitude. We provide evidence to the presumption that these relationships are mediated by the consumers’ perceptions of the marketer’s sincerity. We recommend marketers to refrain from using low-diagnosticity quality marks for promoting their products.

Der Einfluss des Marketings auf den Unternehmenswert

Dr. Alexander Edeling
Habilitand, Universität zu Köln
Prof. Dr. Marc Fischer
Direktor des Seminars für ABWL, Marketing und Marktforschung, Universität zu Köln, und Professor für Marketing, University of Technology Sydney, Business School, Ultimo, NSW 200

Das Interesse an der Wertrelevanz von Marketinginvestition hat zu einer Vielzahl von Studien zum Marketing-Finance-Interface geführt. Diese Meta­analyse integriert die bestehende Forschung und leitet empirische Generali­sierungen zum Einfluss des Marketing auf den Unternehmenswert ab. Die Analyse von 488 Elastizitäten (= prozentuale Veränderung des Unternehmens­wertes bei einer einprozentigen Erhöhung einer Marketinggröße) aus 83 Studien ergibt eine mittlere Elastizität von 0,04 für Werbeausgaben und von 0,54 für Marketing Assets. Innerhalb der Marketing Assets haben kundenbezogene Metriken (0,72) eine stärkere Wirkung als markenbezogene (0,33) Metriken. Marketingmanager sollten sich über die Effektivitäts- und Effizienz­unterschiede, die diese Werte implizieren, im Klaren sein. Zukünftige Forschungs­möglichkeiten ergeben sich in den Bereichen Online-Marketing und Pricing.


Der Einsatz von Possessivpronomen in der Markenkommunikation

Mag. Gerlinde Spicko
Institute for Marketing & Consumer Research, WU Wien
Prof. DDr. Bernadette Kamleitner
Institute for Marketing & Consumer Research, WU Wien

Vor allem beim Aufbau einer emotionalen Beziehung zwischen Marke und KonsumentInnen nehmen Pronomen eine wichtige Rolle ein. In diesem Beitrag analysieren wir das Potential des Einsatzes von Possessivpronomen in Slogans anhand ausgewählter Best-Practice Beispiele. Unter Berück­sichtigung von Literatur zu psychologischem Besitz zeigen wir, dass der jeweilige Unternehmenskontext, die Art und Weise wie Pronomen eingesetzt werden können beeinflusst und dass sich ein sinnvoller Einsatz auf mehr als die Marke beziehen kann.


Perspektiven I
Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Ownership – A Special Issue of “Perspektiven”

Prof. DDr. Bernadette Kamleitner
Institute for Marketing & Consumer Research, PD Dr. Monika Koller
PD Dr. Monika Koller
Institute for Marketing & Consumer Research, WU Vienna
Mag. Sandra Holub
Institute for Marketing & Consumer Research, WU Vienna

Every economic transaction also involves a transfer of ownership. Ownership is a concept that is thus fundamentally linked to almost all transactions in our society. In this “Perspektiven”-section, we place a special focus on the subject of ownership. We do so by drawing on a large body of insights that have accumulated over decades and across disciplines and that we recently provided a platform for when hosting an international workshop on ownership research. 42 experts representing 12 countries and various disciplines came together to discuss the topic of ownership and its relevance in all its facets. In this special issue we draw on this workshop and curate a series of different perspectives and insights on ownership.

Perspektiven II
Access-based Consumption of Luxury Car Brands and its Effect on Brand Evaluation

Moritz Jörling is Research Associate at the Service and Technology Marketing Group at RWTH Aachen University, Germany. His research mainly focus on consumer behavior and ownership in context of new technologies.
Current projects investigate the consequences of product autonomy on product evaluation as well as the role of Virtual Reality for marketing issues. Before he started with his PhD in 2015, he worked as a consultant on different projects for the automotive industry.

Perspektiven III
The Merits of Happy Consumption: Positive Affect and Psychological Ownership

Carina Thürridl is a PhD candidate at the Institute for Marketing & Consumer Research at WU Vienna. Her primary research interest lies in the field of consumer psychology and behavior. She is particularly curious about the social and psychological drivers behind phenomena such as crowdfunding or upcycling and uses the concept of psychological ownership to explain various behaviors in these and related consumer domains.
Prior to joining academia, she was able to gain in-depth know-how as a project manager and consultant at the Munich-based innovation agency HYVE Innovation Commu­nity GmbH, where she was mainly responsible for the management of crowdsourcing, social media and open innovation platforms.

Perspektiven IV
We are what we have. Or were we?

Dr. Bart Claus (PhD in Applied Economic Sciences, KU Leuven) is an Assistant Professor of Marketing and Academic Director of the MSc. In International Business at IÉSEG School of Management in Paris, France. His research in consumer behavior focuses on the interplay between consumers’ social and personal identities on one hand, and consumer choice and ownership on the other hand. This research has attracted national and international funding, and has been published and presented widely in academic journals and conferences, and practitioner print outlets. In the past, he has consulted both companies and governments on marketing and communication strategy and issues related to behavioral change. He has experience in teaching from bachelor to executive level.

Perspektiven V
What Business Leaders can learn from the Psychology of Ownership

Prof. Dr. Fabian Bernhard is an Associate Professor of Management and a member of the Family Business Center at EDHEC Business School in France. He is also a research fellow at the University of Mannheim in Germany, where he also had studied business administration. A scholarship led him to the University of Oregon from where he graduated with an MBA. After working several years at a large, international consulting company in New York, he returned to academia in 2007. During the following years as a PhD student at the European Business School (EBS) and the WHU Otto Beisheim School of Management in Germany, he developed the ideas of his book on “Psychological Ownership in Family Businesses”. After having completed his doctoral degree in 2011, he was a research professor at INSEEC Business School in Paris and an adjunct professor at the Family Enterprise Center (FEC) at Stetson University of Florida in the US.
Fabian Bernhard’s current topics of interest revolve around the intersection of organizational behavior, organizational psychology, and family business research. In particular, Fabian is interested in the emotional dynamics in family businesses, moral emotions (such as shame and guilt), the education and preparation of next generational family business leaders, as well as all kinds of attachment to the family business, such as psychological ownership, commitment, social identity, and their influence on the decision-making process in family businesses.

Perspektiven VI
Psychological Ownership, Wellbeing & Work-Family Outcomes

Dr Sarah Dawkins is a clinical psychologist and lecturer in Management at the Tasmanian School of Business and Economics, University of Tasmania (UTAS). She is also co-leader of the UTAS Work, Health & Wellbeing Network. Sarah’s research investigates the development of positive psychological resources in employees and work teams.
Her current research focuses on the development and evaluation of a brief, team-based psychological capital (PsyCap) intervention aimed at enhancing the performance and wellbeing of work teams and individual employees. She is also involved in research investigating mental health and wellbeing in the workplace and the interface between work and family. Her research has been published in top-tier Management journals including Journal of Organizational Behaviour, Academy of Management: Learning & Education and Human Relations.

Perspektiven VII
Ownership for the Environment

Sophie Suessenbach is a research and teaching associate at WU Vienna’s (Vienna University of Economics and Business) Department for Marketing at the Institute for Marketing and Consumer Research as. She holds a degree in psychology from Vienna University. She is currently working on her PhD projects situated at the intersection of consumer behavior and marketing.
She is an active member of the Association of Consumer Research, the Society for Consumer Psychology, the European Marketing Academy and others and is regularly presenting at international conferences.

Perspektiven VIII
The Role of Ownership in Sustainable Safe Water Supply

Jennifer Inauen (PhD in Psychology, University of Zurich) and Sara Marks (PhD in Environmental Engineering and Science, Stanford University) are research group leaders at Eawag – Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology. Jennifer Inauen’s research focuses on behavior change related to environmental health risks, such as drinking water contamination. She aims at studying the antecedents and consequences of psychological ownership as it relates to safe water technology, using randomized controlled trials and intensive longitudinal methods. Sara Marks’ research focuses on technologies and methods for improving drinking water quality in low- and middle-income settings. Her research on ownership includes investigating the role of community participation in building psychological ownership for piped water supplies in rural Kenya.

Young Professionals

Zwei BerufseinsteigerInnen zeigen, welche Trends und Potentiale sie in der Praxis wahr­nehmen und welche Faktoren für ein erfolgreiches Berufsleben ausschlaggebend sind.

The Effect of Scented Packaging on Product Attractiveness

Julia Pernt, MSc (WU)
Coca-Cola HBC Austria GmbH
Ruta Ruzeviciute, MSc
Institute for Marketing & Consumer Research, WU Vienna
Prof. DDr. Bernadette Kamleitner
Institute for Marketing & Consumer Research, WU Vienna

Marketing engaging consumers’ senses has been growing in importance, however in this context little attention has been paid to the most effective marketing tool at the point of sale: the packaging. By means of an experiment, this study explores whether and how scented packaging influences product attractiveness and its purchase intentions. The results suggest that using scent for packaging can indeed enhance product-related reactions and intentions. Yet, the effect is observed just for product categories for which scent is primary product attribute.